Welcome to this quiet nook.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

In the After

It slithers over
Ordinary moments
The building, churning
And suddenly everything is too
Tight, too
Too close
The air is even thick with
Some colorless thing

I sit still, hearing myself
Inhale as my
Mind spins
Settling nowhere
And then I recall that
April is coming
But not
Spring, not

I keep a window open with a
Picture and details, as if the
Image in my head is not
Enough, an image the
Sun can’t
Bleach and the
Rain can’t
Wash and the
Snow can’t

With a quiet sharpness it
Registers that this
Smog filtering through weary lungs is
Grief, and I
Remind myself it
Hasn’t really
Not in the scheme of things
Not really
Been so very long